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Student Enrollment Process

Our school serves Kindergarten through 8th grade students. Enrollment is open for Fall 2025.
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Enrollment Process Information

Endazhi-Nitaawiging Charter School Student Admissions and Enrollment Policy


The Lottery System

If the number of student applicants exceeds Endazhi-Nitaawiging capacity, a lottery selection process will be used to enroll students.

1. This lottery will be held after the application deadline of April 30 and prior to the second Friday of the month of May.

2. The lottery will be open to the public.

3. The date will be posted on our school calendar and on the school website.

4. Notice of the lottery will be made to families of student applicants directly.

5. Enrollment offers will be sent by mail and/or email to all families that are awarded a spot through the enrollment process. All other families will receive notification of their waiting list position.

6. Students will remain on the waiting list until the next enrollment period. In order to be considered for enrolment the following year, families must re-submit their application by April 30 of the following year to be included in the lottery process.

Lottery preference as defined by Minnesota State Statute will be abided, with currently employed school staff children and siblings of enrolled students being afforded preference. A “sibling” is defined as a student applicant who is related to an enrolled student with the same father and/or mother either (1) genetically, or (2) through legal process, i.e., adoption, guardianship, or foster parent. Sibling preference does not apply until one of the siblings is actually enrolled.

Enrollment applications received after April 30 will be placed at the end of the waiting list for the particular grade level in the order they are received. Families will be informed of their position on the waiting list. 

Click here for Lottery Policy

Silhouettes of children playing by a pond, reflected in the water, with birds flying overhead.



Enrollment is FREE!

There is no cost at our charter school.  If you wish to donate to our efforts, please click below.


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A hand holds a handful of ripe blueberries, with more blueberries scattered in the background.



Academic Framework

Learn about our learning philosophy.


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